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WireGuard on OpenBSD


This article describes the installation and configuration of WireGuard on OpenBSD 6.6 (server) and iOS (client). Once the setup is complete, the traffic from the client will go through the server before reaching the Internet (also known as "road warrior" setup).

The setup assumes the following:

Network diagram.

Install WireGuard

Install the WireGuard packages:

pkg_add wireguard-go wireguard-tools

Enable IP forwarding

Enable IP forwarding by running:

sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

To make the settings permanent, save the configuration in /etc/sysctl.conf:


Configure network interface

Create the tun0 interface by creating a file /etc/hostname.tun0 with the following content:

!/sbin/route add -inet

Start the interface:

sh /etc/netstart tun0

Configure Packet Filter

Configure the Packet Filter (PF) for filtering networking traffic and doing NAT.

In /etc/pf.conf, skip packet filtering on the tun0 interface:

set skip on { lo tun0 }

Then add the following:

pass in on egress inet proto udp from any to any port 50000
pass out on egress inet from (tun0:network) nat-to (egress:0)

Validate the configuration and reload the ruleset:

pfctl -n -f /etc/pf.conf
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

Configure WireGuard

WireGuard configuration files should be put under the /etc/wireguard/ directory.

mkdir -p /etc/wireguard/

Now create the keypair used by WireGuard on the server:

cd /etc/wireguard/
wg genkey > server.key
wg pubkey < server.key > server.pub
chmod 600 server.key

The server.key contains the server private key and server.pub contains the server public key.

Now create a pre-shared key used by WireGuard on the server and client.

wg genpsk > peer-01.psk
chmod 600 peer-01.psk

If there are multiple clients, create a pre-shared key for each of the client.

Create the configuration file of WireGuard on the server. Create a file at /etc/wireguard/server.conf with the following content:

PrivateKey = AAAAA
ListenPort = 50000

PublicKey = BBBBB
PresharedKey = CCCCC
AllowedIPs =

In the Interface section:

In the Peer section:

Instruct WireGuard to set the configuration of tun0 interface:

wg setconf tun0 /etc/wireguard/server.conf
echo '/usr/local/bin/wg setconf tun0 /etc/wireguard/server.conf' >> /etc/rc.local

Start WireGuard:

rcctl enable wireguard_go
rcctl set wireguard_go flags tun0
rcctl start wireguard_go

Configure VPN client

In WireGuard for iOS, create a new WireGuard tunnel.

WireGuard for iOS.

In the interface section:

WireGuard for iOS.

In the peer section:

Activate VPN tunnel

Update the PublicKey under the Peer section of /etc/wireguard/server.conf on the server, set the value with the public key of the VPN client.

The client should be able to connect to the server, and all traffic will go through the server. On the client, you can visit website such as https://ifconfig.co/ to verify the IP address is the server's public IP address, instead of the client's public IP address.

You can run wg on the server to see the WireGuard statistics.
